Installing an EV Charger at Home

Installing an EV Charger at Home: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a quote from an expert in our team, “Installing an EV charger at home in Melbourne, comes with its share of challenges. It’s not just about connecting wires; you need to consider your home’s electrical system capacity, the type of charger suitable for brands, the power outlet and where it will be located.” But here’s something you may not have considered – local building regulations. Yes, before even buying a charger, you must delve into what your local statutes say about installing such equipment at home. 

The key steps to install an EV charger at home involve a thorough pre-installation assessment, including checking electrical capacity and selecting a certified installer. The installation process includes the inspection, setup of the charging equipment, and necessary electrical circuits, followed by post-installation guidelines for regular maintenance and safety. 

Preparing for EV Charger Installation

In Melbourne, thorough research and preparation are essential. The first step involves understanding regulations and building codes related to electric vehicle charger installations. Take your time to review the local Australian regulations and requirements, which can dictate installation locations, permit needs, and technical specifications. 

Selecting the Optimal Location

Choosing the right spot for your EV charger is crucial for convenience, safety, and efficiency. This task involves strategic planning to identify a suitable location near the electrical panel while considering factors such as good ventilation and protection from environmental elements.

For instance, placing your Kia EV charger near the main electrical panel helps minimise additional line costs and reduces labour expenses. It’s essential to position the charger where it has easy access to the power supply and doesn’t require extensive rewiring or infrastructure modifications. Moreover, protection from outdoor elements like rain, excessive sun exposure, or extreme temperatures is equally important. Exposing electronic products like type 2 chargers can lead to premature wear and reduced operational lifespan.

Evaluating Electrical Panel Capacity

The existing electrical panel in your Melbourne home must have the capacity to handle the additional load from the EV charger effectively. This step is crucial to prevent overload issues and ensure a continuous power supply for both your household appliances and the EV charger. 

Consulting with a professional electrician or authorised installer like LC Electrical is highly recommended at this stage. They will assess your current electrical system’s capacity by checking factors such as available circuit breakers, main service panel amperage rating, capacity for future expansion if needed, and your switchboard. 

For instance, let’s say you have two electric cars, a BMW and a Tesla. An assessment would be crucial in supporting their varying electrical demands and maintenance costs. By addressing these steps systematically, you lay a solid foundation for a successful EV charger installation that complies with regulations, optimises performance, and enhances convenience for customers. 

Determining Your Power Supply Level

One of the first considerations before installing an EV charger at home is ascertaining what kind of power supply you will need. There are different types of EV chargers and EV models, each requiring a different amount of power to operate. Let’s break down these power supply levels and understand how they impact your charging experience.

Level 1 Chargers

The Level 1 charger is the most basic type, plugging into a standard 120V electrical outlet. It charges your electric vehicle slowly, making it ideal for overnight recharging if you have a short daily commute or if you primarily use the vehicle for local errands.

Level 2 Chargers

Moving on to the more powerful Level 2 charger, we find that these chargers necessitate professional installation and utilise a 240V electrical outlet for faster charging times compared to Level 1 chargers. The faster charging speed makes them suitable for those who need to quickly recharge their electric vehicles, especially after longer trips or during the day while at work.

DC Fast Chargers

Finally, there are DC fast chargers, designed to provide rapid charging at public charging stations. These chargers operate at an extremely high voltage and can significantly reduce the time needed to charge your vehicle, making them perfect for travellers and long journeys.

When considering which power supply level is best for your EV charging setup, it’s crucial to factor in your daily driving habits, overall travel needs, and the convenience factor that each charging level provides. There are several factors to consider when determining the right power supply level for your electric vehicle charger installation. It’s essential not to see this as picking one option but as selecting what suits your lifestyle and driving patterns best.

For example, if you primarily use your electric vehicle for daily commutes within a limited range and have the ability to charge overnight, a Level 1 charger plugged into a standard outlet may be sufficient. However, if you frequently travel longer distances and need quick top-ups throughout the day, investing in a Level 2 charger with professional installation might be more practical.

In Australia, understanding power supply levels often forms the basis for evaluating the financial aspects of installing an EV charger at home. Knowledge about EV accessories, customer support, warranty conditions, and reliable businesses offering an installation quote and services can also be crucial for making an informed decision.

Evaluating the Costs of Installation

Installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger at home can be a significant investment, especially in Australia where specific rates apply, necessitating the consideration of all associated costs. Here are the key factors that contribute to the overall cost of installation:

Equipment Cost

When estimating the total cost of installing an EV charger, it’s essential to factor in the price of the charging unit itself, as well as any necessary accessories. The cost of the charger can vary depending on factors such as the type of charger (Level 1, Level 2, or DC fast charger), its compatibility with your specific vehicle model, and warranty conditions offered by the manufacturer. 

For example, Level 1 chargers are less expensive compared to Level 2 or DC fast chargers, but they also take longer to charge your vehicle. It’s important to research different charger models and assess their suitability for your specific needs before making a purchase. A good approach might be to seek customer reviews in Australia to gather first-hand information. 

Installation Fees

Professional installation is necessary for setting up an EV charger safely. When planning the installation cost, it’s important to budget for hiring a licensed electrician. Businesses specialising in home charging installation can be of great help in Australia. While some homeowners may have DIY skills, electrical work requires precision and compliance with safety standards.

The cost of professional installation can vary based on your location, the complexity of the installation process, and any additional modifications required to your electrical system. It’s advisable to obtain quotes and recommendations from reputable installers and discuss the specifics of your installation to get a clear understanding of the associated fees.


In many cases, installing an EV charger at home may necessitate upgrades to your existing electrical panels and wiring. Depending on your current electrical setup, you may need to increase the capacity of your electrical panel to handle the additional load from the EV charger. Older homes with outdated electrical systems may require substantial upgrades and incur additional costs, but these are crucial for ensuring reliable and compliant charging operations.

By carefully considering equipment expenses, professional installation fees, and potential upgrades, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of the financial implications of installing an EV charger at home. This enables you to effectively prepare for the investment involved in setting up an EV charging solution at your residence.

Required Materials and Tools

When installing your EV charger at home, having the right materials and tools is crucial for a seamless installation process. To get started, here are the primary materials you will need:


It’s important to source these materials from reputable suppliers to guarantee quality and compliance with safety standards, particularly if you’re installing the charger at a home location in Australia.

  • EV Charger Unit: This is the main component that enables charging your electric vehicle at home. Select a unit compatible with your vehicle and suited to your charging needs.
  • Conduit: This protective piping houses electrical wiring, safeguarding it from damage.
  • Wire: Use wires suitable for electrical installations that can handle the necessary power levels for charging an electric vehicle.
  • Electrical Box: Provides protection to connections and wiring, ensuring safety and compliance with electrical codes.


With care and attention in mind, these tools play a pivotal role in executing a successful installation, so it’s vital to have them on hand before beginning the process. 

  • Drill: Needed to create holes for mounting the EV charger and running conduit if necessary.
  • Wire Strippers: Essential for safely removing insulation from wires without damaging them, enabling proper connection.
  • Screwdrivers: This allows you to secure electrical components and make the necessary adjustments during installation.
  • Voltage Tester: Ensures power sources are properly identified, helping prevent accidents and ensure safety during installation.

Ensuring you have all these necessary materials and tools ready before starting your EV charger installation project will pave the way for a smooth, efficient process leading to a reliable charging solution for your electric vehicle. Care must be given to each step of the process, ensuring both the integrity of the equipment and the safety of the EV owners, electricians and technicians.

Installing the EV Charger

Getting an electric vehicle (EV) charger installed may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and care, you’ll find it’s quite straightforward. The process primarily consists of two parts—mounting and then wiring.

Mounting the Charger

The first step, mounting the charger, is crucial. This involves securely attaching it to the wall or a pedestal to ensure it’s level and stable, a task that requires a steady hand and a careful mind. 

Consider the following while mounting the charger:

  • Opt for a location near your electrical panel to reduce additional wiring distance.
  • Ensure there’s sufficient space close to the charger to coil and manage the wiring properly for tidiness and safety considerations.

Mounting is the foundation of the entire setup and impacts how the remaining installation work progresses. You want to make sure it’s done right from the start to prevent issues later on.

Connecting the Wires

Once your wall charger is securely in place, it’s time to carefully connect the wires to the electrical panel. This part of the installation is one of the most critical steps, as it directly affects safety and effective charging. As you approach this phase, some key factors come into play:

  • Adhering to Manufacturer’s Instructions: It’s imperative to follow the specific guidelines provided by your EV charger manufacturer. Each model may have distinct wiring requirements, so precise adherence ensures both safety and performance.
  • Professional Assistance: While many homeowners install EV chargers themselves, don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re uncertain. Safety should always be a top priority when working with electrical connections.

By meticulously ensuring that the charger is perfectly mounted and wired, you’re taking essential steps towards safely and effectively setting up your EV charging at home. This not only elevates the overall user experience for EV owners but also allows technicians to deliver reliable and high-quality service.

Wiring the Charger to the Circuit Switch

Wiring the charger to the circuit switch requires precision and attention to detail. One crucial step is adhering to the manufacturer’s wiring diagram. It’s your electrical blueprint to ensure that your EV charger safely and efficiently utilises electricity. Visualising how all these connections will work together and understanding them every step of the way is key. 

Once you’ve comprehended the manufacturer’s wiring diagram, double-check that all connections align with it. The last thing you want is for everything to be connected and then find out it doesn’t match up. Some may overlook this, thinking it’s just a formality. However, tight, secure connections are imperative for optimal performance and, most importantly, safety.

Remember to organise your wires after connecting them according to the diagram. Neat organisation isn’t only about aesthetics; it makes future maintenance much more manageable when everything is neatly laid out. Understanding and implementing these steps meticulously sets the stage for a successful integration of your EV charger into your home’s electrical system.

Charging the Electric Vehicle

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) can be both simple and complex, depending on factors such as the type of charger, charging speeds, charging solutions and the capacity of your vehicle’s battery. Here are several key points to consider:

Types of Chargers

There are different types of chargers available for electric vehicles, categorised into Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers. Level 1 chargers typically use a standard household electrical outlet and provide a slow charge. Level 2 chargers require professional installation and offer faster charging times. DC fast chargers are even quicker but require significant electrical infrastructure and are usually found in public charging stations.

Best Practises for Charging

When it comes to maximising the efficiency and longevity of your EV’s battery, there are certain best practices that should be followed. This includes avoiding deep discharges whenever possible, not letting the battery remain at high levels of charge for extended periods, and being mindful of extreme temperature conditions when charging.

Using Smart Charging Features

Many modern electric vehicles and charging stations come with smart features that allow users to schedule charging times, monitor energy usage, and even integrate with home energy management systems for efficient charging. These features can help optimise your charging routine and minimise energy costs.

Safety Considerations for the Installation

Before embarking on the installation journey, it’s crucial to consider the safety aspects involved. Electric vehicle charger installations involve working with high-voltage electricity, which demands a keen eye for safety protocols and strict adherence to electrical codes. This is not your typical DIY project; it requires precision, knowledge, and careful attention to detail.

First and foremost, it’s highly advisable to engage a certified electrician for the installation process. A qualified electrician possesses the necessary expertise and experience to handle electrical systems and installations safely. They are well-versed in local codes and regulations governing electrical installations. Moreover, their knowledge of load management, wiring best practices, and proper grounding techniques is invaluable.

Additionally, following the manufacturer’s instructions is paramount for a safe installation. The manufacturer provides specific guidelines tailored to their EV charger model. These guidelines cover critical aspects such as cable sizing, wire routing, grounding requirements, and recommended circuit breakers. 

Finally, as electric vehicles continue to evolve, their charging requirements may also undergo changes. Therefore, staying updated on the latest industry standards and government regulations is vital. Regularly reviewing local building codes, electrical standards, and permit requirements helps ensure that your installation conforms to the latest safety guidelines.

If you are looking to get started on transforming your home into a convenient charging station for your electric car, contact LC Electrical today. We’re here to help with professional EV charger installations and expert advice on creating an efficient charging solution at home.

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